Privacy Policy

Patient Rights

Patients have the right and responsibility to do what’s best for their physical and emotional health, and Neurospine Institute honors and upholds those rights at all times.

High Quality Care

You have the right to the highest level of care we can provide. Rest assured that Neurospine Institute physicians and staff will deliver high quality, collaborative health care.

A Clean & Safe Environment

Neurospine Institute works hard to keep you safe. We use special policies and procedures to avoid mistakes in your care and keep you free from abuse or neglect.

Participation in Treatment Decisions

You have the right to know all your treatment options and to participate in decisions about your care. At Neurospine Institute, we work with you to discuss your medical condition, get you the information you need to make sound decisions and, together, identify appropriate treatment options. We also take care to understand your health care goals and values, and know who should make decisions on your behalf when you’re unable.

Respect & Nondiscrimination

You have a right to considerate, respectful and nondiscriminatory care, and can expect this level of care from Neurospine Institute physicians and staff.

Confidentiality of Health Information

You have the right to talk in confidence with health care providers and to have your health care information protected. You also have the right to review and copy your own medical record and request that your physician amend your record if it is not accurate, relevant or complete. Neurospine Institute guarantees your confidentiality.

Complaints & Appeals

You have the right to a fair, fast and objective review of any complaint you have about the service you receive at Neurospine Institute . We want to hear your feedback and improve our services wherever possible.

Notice of Privacy Practices (HIPAA)

This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. This notice is provided in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996. Contact Martin Huff at 541-686-3791 for any questions regarding our HIPAA policies